KILLER TEAM university & coaching

What Else Could You Accomplish with a Killer Team?


Business Survival Mastermind

live and interactive 90-day coaching to help your business thrive, even in our troubling times

"The mark of a great leader isn't what they achieve alone—it's the extraordinary results they inspire in their team."


It's Time to Rediscover the Joy of Business Ownership

Running a business is hard. You know this better than anyone.

The late nights, the missed family dinners, the constant juggling of tasks that never seem to end. You wear so many hats—CEO, HR manager, mediator, sometimes even the office therapist—and it’s exhausting.

There’s a constant pressure to keep things moving, to ensure every team member is performing at their best, and to keep the business profitable.

But let’s be honest—despite your best efforts, sometimes it feels like you’re the only one truly invested in the success of the company.

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

  • Always putting out fires

  • Struggling to attract and retain top talent

  • Feeling like you're doing everything yourself

  • Experiencing high employee turnover

  • Dealing with constant team drama

  • On the brink of burnout

  • Long, unproductive meetings

  • Feeling stuck in the weeds of daily tasks

  • You pay 100% of payroll but only feel you get 50% effort

If these challenges resonate with you, it’s time to consider a different approach.

What If You Could Build a Team That Didn’t Just Work for You, But With You?

  • A team so aligned with your vision, so committed to excellence, that you can finally step back and focus on the bigger picture.

  • Imagine a business where your team not only meets your expectations but consistently exceeds them—day in and day out.

  • This team doesn’t just execute tasks; they understand your vision, share your passion, and deliver results that drive your business forward, allowing you to focus on growth, innovation, and what truly matters.

This is what we call a Killer Team.

"A Killer Team is more than just a group of employees—it’s a cohesive, high-performing unit that works in harmony to achieve your business goals."



The Killer Team University and Coaching

A six-month, live, and interactive coaching program designed to integrate the Killer Team Operating System™ into the fabric of your business, empowering leaders to cultivate a high-performing, unified team.

The Killer Team Operating System™

The Killer Team Operating System™ is not just a set of ideas—it's a proven framework that serves as the backbone of our program. This system guides you step by step as you transform your team into a cohesive, high-performing unit, ensuring every aspect of your business is aligned with your goals and built for sustainable success.


Create Clarity and Structure:

Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations within the team.


Drive Accountability:

Implement regular performance reviews, feedback loops, and goal-setting to ensure everyone is accountable.


Align with Business Goals:

Ensure that every team member's actions are aligned with the overall vision and objectives of the organization.


The 5-Pillars of a Killer Team

To transform your mediocre staff into a Killer Team, we focus on five essential pillars. Each pillar builds on the last, creating a strong foundation of clarity, structure, and accountability that drives high performance and growth.



Build trust and unity within your team through consistent communication and authentic relationships.

Recruit and Keep

the Best Talent

Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off—drama-free.



Implement systems that hold every team member accountable for their performance.

Structure for Growth

and Peace

Develop an organizational framework that supports scalable growth while maintaining team harmony.

Maintain Rhythms

and Finish Lines

Establish consistent rhythms and clear goals to keep your team focused and motivated.


How The Killer Team Coaching Works

The Killer Team Coaching process is meticulously designed to guide you every step of the way, combining expert insights with practical strategies to ensure your team achieves peak performance and sustained success.

Problem Identification

First, we conduct a thorough assessment to identify the key challenges that are holding your team back.

Targeted Training

Then, we move into targeted training that’s specifically designed to address your unique challenges and goals.

Personalized Coaching

With your plan in place, your dedicated coach works with you directly to ensure effective implementation.

Application and Analysis

Finally, as you apply the strategies, we guide you in analyzing the results and refining your approach.


We discover if it’s dysfunction, lack of accountability, or misalignment with your vision.


You’ll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome obstacles and drive your team toward excellence.


This ensures that you’re implementing the Killer Team Operating System™ effectively and making adjustments as needed for maximum impact.


This continuous evaluation ensures your team remains aligned, accountable, and consistently high-performing


Problem Identification

First, we conduct a thorough assessment to identify the key challenges that are holding your team back.


We discover if it’s dysfunction, lack of accountability, or misalignment with your vision.

Targeted Training

Then, we move into targeted training that’s specifically designed to address your unique challenges and goals.


You’ll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome obstacles and drive your team toward excellence.

Personalized Coaching

With your plan in place, your dedicated coach works with you directly to ensure effective implementation.


This ensures that you’re implementing the Killer Team Operating System™ effectively and making adjustments as needed for maximum impact.

Application and Analysis

Finally, as you apply the strategies, we guide you in analyzing the results and refining your approach.


This continuous evaluation ensures your team remains aligned, accountable, and consistently high-performing.

Are you ready to build a Killer Team?

One of our 14 experienced coaches are here to help.

What you can expect inside The Killer Team University and Coaching

By joining the Killer Team University & Coaching program, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive set of tools, resources, and personalized coaching designed to elevate every aspect of your leadership and team dynamics.

  • Personalized 1-1 Coaching

    Receive six months of personalized 1-1 coaching sessions tailored to your needs, helping you refine strategies and maximize your team’s performance.

  • Weekly Live Masterclass and Q/A

    Engage in live, interactive coaching where you can ask questions, discuss challenges, and receive personalized guidance.

  • Comprehensive Learning Modules:

    Access 25 training videos covering all aspects of building and maintaining a Killer Team, with actionable steps for immediate application.

  • The Killer Team Resource Vault:

    Gain over 20 downloadable PDFs, including meeting templates, leadership guides, and tools for performance reviews—everything you need to build and sustain a high-performing team.


  • The Courage to Lead Community and Network

  • The Killer Team Workbook and Resource Guide (Coming Fall 2024)

  • 24/5 Access to Your Coach In-Between Sessions

  • 2 VIP Tickets to Killer Team LIVE

"Coaching is about having someone who helps you see beyond your blind spots, guiding you to become the leader your team needs and deserves. It’s the catalyst that turns potential into high performance."


Hi, I'm Shawn Lovejoy

I’m the Founder and CEO of Courage to Lead where we help leaders and organizations build high-performing teams and achieve their goals with clarity and purpose.

With over two decades of experience, I’ve:

  • Led and grown multiple organizations, including a mega-church that I planted and grew to be one of the largest churches in Atlanta.

  • Coached thousands of leaders, helping them align their teams, scale their businesses, and overcome the challenges that hold them back.

  • Been married to my wife, Tricia, for over 31 years. Together, we’ve raised three children and navigated the challenges of leadership, family, and faith.

I’ve dedicated my life to helping leaders achieve the Triple Win—a win for the leader, a win for the team, and a win for the organization.

I Created The Killer Team Coaching and University For Two Simple Reasons:

This is a personal calling.

My journey as a leader has been driven by a deep personal calling to help others achieve their full potential. After years of leading and coaching thousands of business owners and leaders, I’ve seen firsthand the power of a strong, cohesive team.

I created this program because I believe that every leader deserves to experience the fulfillment and success that comes from leading a unified, high-performing team.

This is more than just a job for me—it’s my mission to guide leaders in building teams that not only work for them but with them, creating a ripple effect of positive impact in their businesses, their lives, and their communities.

You deserve this.

You’ve put in the hours, made the sacrifices, and faced every challenge head-on. You’ve built something incredible, but you know there’s more potential waiting to be unlocked. You deserve a team that doesn’t just work for you, but with you—a team that’s as invested in your vision as you are.

Here’s the reality, Leader: Your organization is perfectly structured to deliver exactly the results you’re currently getting.

The good news? You're the leader and you can do something about it.

So, if you're a business owner with an operating budget of at least $500K/year, leading a team of 5 or more full-time employees, and you're ready to:

  • Step out of the daily grind and become the visionary leader your team needs.

  • Restructure your organization for sustainable growth and harmony, while boosting revenue.

  • Build a high-performing team that’s aligned, accountable, and self-driven.

  • Become a leader worth following while gaining a greater quality of life for you and your family.

Then the Killer Team University & Coaching program is designed specifically for you.


Invest in Yourself and the Development of Your Team

Flexible Payment Plans Available

We understand that investing in your business is a significant commitment. To make it easier, we offer flexible payment plans to suit your budget and ensure that you can benefit from the program without financial strain.


University - Self Study

Perfect for those who prefer to learn and implement at their own pace, with all the tools and resources you need.

━ includes...

  • 5-Pillars of a Killer Team Modules with over 25-Specialized Video Trainings

  • The Resource Vault With Over 20 PDF Downloads Supporting Every Aspect of Your Team Development Journey

  • A Step-By-Step Workbook and Resource Guide (coming soon)



Coaching - Mastery

Ideal for leaders who want personalized guidance and support to fully integrate the Killer Team Operating System™ into their business.

━ includes everything in University plus...

  • Six Months personalized 1-1 coaching sessions with a dedicated coach.

  • 24/5 Access to Your Coach In-Between Coaching Sessions

  • Weekly Live Masterclasses, Trainings, and Q/A with Shawn Lovejoy

  • Featured interviews with industry experts sharing insights and best practices

  • Two VIP tickets to the 2-day Killer Team LIVE event

Have Any Questions?

Still have questions? Here are some of the most common inquiries we receive about the Killer Team University & Coaching program.

Can my team attend the sessions?

Yes, your team can attend certain parts of the program. While the personalized 1-1 coaching sessions are designed specifically for you, the group sessions and learning modules can be valuable for your entire team to participate in.

Is the Killer Team Coaching 1-1 or group-based?

The program includes both group coaching sessions and personalized 1-1 coaching. Group sessions provide collaborative learning opportunities, while 1-1 coaching offers tailored support to address your specific challenges and goals.

How often can I speak to my coach?

You will have six monthly 1-1 sessions with your dedicated coach. These sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Additionally, you can reach out to your coach on-demand via email, participate in weekly live training sessions, and engage in the community room for ongoing support and guidance.

Is there any support outside of the live sessions?

Yes, in addition to the live sessions, you will have access to the Killer Team Resource Vault, which includes over 20 PDF downloads. You will also have four personalized 1-1 coaching sessions with a dedicated coach to address specific challenges and refine your strategies.

What is the time commitment for this program?

The Killer Team Coaching program requires a time commitment of approximately 3-4 hours per week. This includes live training sessions, Q&A, and time spent implementing strategies and completing worksheets and assignments.

What if I can’t attend a live training session?

Don’t worry if you can’t make a live session; they will be available on-demand just minutes after the session concludes. You can watch the recordings at your convenience and still benefit from all the insights and teachings.

Are there payment plans available?

Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to make the program more accessible. You can choose a plan that fits your budget, ensuring that you can invest in your team's success without financial strain.

The Killer Team university & coaching

by courage to lead

Purchase the Killer Team University
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What you can expect inside The Killer Team University and Coaching

By joining the Killer Team University & Coaching program, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive set of tools, resources, and personalized coaching designed to elevate every aspect of your leadership and team dynamics.

  • Initial Assessment with a Courage to Lead Coach

    A 1-1 session to
    conduct a thorough assessment to identify the key challenges that are holding your team back.

  • The 5 Pillars of a Killer Team Framework

    To transform your mediocre staff into a Killer Team, we focus on five essential pillars. Each pillar builds on the last, creating a strong foundation of clarity, structure, and accountability that drives high performance and growth.

  • Comprehensive Learning Modules:

    Access 25 training videos covering all aspects of building and maintaining a Killer Team, with actionable steps for immediate application.

  • The Killer Team Resource Vault:

    Gain over 20 downloadable PDFs, including meeting templates, leadership guides, and tools for performance reviews—everything you need to build and sustain a high-performing team.


  • The Courage to Lead Community and Network

  • The Killer Team Workbook and Resource Guide (Coming Fall 2024)

  • 2 General Admission Tickets to Killer Team LIVE

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